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Caregivers use Meema Stories to help create authentic and meaningful connections with a spouse, parent, client or resident.  This segment reminds us who caregivers are, why these connections are an essential part of care, and why they can be challenging for caregivers.

Creating and sustaining connections can be hard
Companionship is based on creating authentic and meaningful connections. <break time="2s"/> Making connections like these is hard work. Caring for someone with a chronic condition can last a long time.  Basic needs can be overwhelming.  Conversational habits, cognitive disabilities and caregiver isolation only make it more difficult to engage.  <break time="3s"/> On the other hand, when caregivers succeed in creating a real connection, it can be tremendously rewarding for everyone.

Disability of any kind, physical or cognitive, especially chronic disability, is often accompanied by withdrawal and isolation.  This puts an additional burden on the caregiver who also experiences isolation.  It makes companionship even more important while, at the same time, makes authentic companionship even harder to provide.

It sounds easy enough.  But for many caregivers, it's pretty difficult  Caring for someone with a chronic condition can last for years.  Basic needs can be overwhelming.  Cognitive disabilities and caregiver isolation only makes it more difficult to engage.  It's hard to stimulate authentic and meaningful conversation day after day, sometimes for years.

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