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Story: Meema Stories: Making Better Connections

Caregivers use Meema Stories to help create authentic and meaningful connections with a spouse, parent, client or resident.  This segment reminds us who caregivers are, why these connections are an essential part of care, and why they can be challenging for caregivers.

Page: 1 Introducing Meema Stories for Caregivers play edit
old asian man african american nurse seated laughing
Caregivers use Meema Stories to make better connections
This is an introduction to Meema Stories. <break time="2s"/> The story begins with caregivers.
Page: 2 Different Kinds of Caregivers play edit
meema use kinds of caregivers
Different kinds of caregivers
There are different kinds of caregivers based on their roles, responsibilities and where they work. <break time="2s"/> First, informal caregivers typically care for a parent or a spouse in their own residence, wherever that may be. <break time="2s"/> Then there are also formal, paid and trained caregivers. Private caregivers generally work in private homes. And finally, at independent and assisted living facilities, there are many kinds of caregivers on staff. <break time="2s"/> Each of these different kinds of caregivers have different abilities and responsibilities. <break time="2s"/>
Page: 3 Caregivers All Provide Some Companionship play edit
meema use caregivers struggle with isolation
All kinds of caregivers provide some degree of companionship
Although there are many different kinds of caregivers, they all help the individuals they care for cope with withdrawal and isolation. <break time="2s"/>
Page: 4 Companionship is Part of Caregiving play edit
meema use caregivers become companions
Making connections is part of caregiving
Untreated, isolation contributes to depression, anxiety, apathy and aggression, among other conditions. <break time="2s"/> Isolation can harm caregivers too. <break time="2s"/> Like it or not, they spend a lot of time isolated together. And so caregivers become companions.
Page: 5 Creating and Sustaining Connections is Hard play edit
meema use connection hard
Creating and sustaining connections can be hard
Companionship is based on creating authentic and meaningful connections. <break time="2s"/> Making connections like these is hard work. Caring for someone with a chronic condition can last a long time.  Basic needs can be overwhelming.  Conversational habits, cognitive disabilities and caregiver isolation only make it more difficult to engage.  <break time="3s"/> On the other hand, when caregivers succeed in creating a real connection, it can be tremendously rewarding for everyone.
Page: 6 What To Talk About: Meema Stories play edit
meema use connection based on conversation
Creating and sustaining connections is hard work
But how do you start. <break time="2s"/> Connections begin with authentic and meaningful conversation. <break time="2s"/> It can be a challenge. It requires a lot of creativity and effort.  What is there to talk about, day after day. <break time="4s"/> A subscription to Meema Stories can help.
Page: 7 Talking about Meema Stories play edit
old white woman african american caregiver seated laughing
Meema Stories
What would you like to talk about.