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Caregivers use Meema Stories to help create authentic and meaningful connections with a spouse, parent, client or resident.  This segment reminds us who caregivers are, why these connections are an essential part of care, and why they can be challenging for caregivers.

Different kinds of caregivers
There are different kinds of caregivers based on their roles, responsibilities and where they work. <break time="2s"/> First, informal caregivers typically care for a parent or a spouse in their own residence, wherever that may be. <break time="2s"/> Then there are also formal, paid and trained caregivers. Private caregivers generally work in private homes. And finally, at independent and assisted living facilities, there are many kinds of caregivers on staff. <break time="2s"/> Each of these different kinds of caregivers have different abilities and responsibilities. <break time="2s"/>

There are basically three or four kinds of caregivers, depending on criteria used to categorize them.

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