Meema story pages

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Story: Life Cycle of the Frog
Summary: Frogs are amphibians.  That means they live part of their life cycle in water and part on land.  They're also super cute. Use the story with simple words and beautiful pictures just to bring to mind what you already know about the frog lifecycle.  As you interact with the story together, pay attention to how it makes you feel.  What do you notice and might want to talk about?  What other, related things come to mind?  High school bio, for example? Or just life in general. How does it all work?  How did it come to be?  It might make you think about science.  Or you can just wonder at it all.
Page: 1 Frog in grass play edit
Frog in the grass
Adult frogs live most of their lives on land.
Page: 2 Frog in water play edit
Frog swimming in water
But they also need water to reproduce and keep their skin moist. <break time="2s"/> That's why they are called amphibians
Page: 3 Amplexus play edit
Male frogs grasp the female from behind to fertilize her eggs. <break time="2s"/> This is called amplexus.
Page: 4 Fertile eggs develop into embryos and then tadpoles play edit
Fertile eggs develop into embryos and then tadpoles
Frogs lay their eggs in the water where they are fertilized and develop into embryos. <break time="3s"/> When embryos hatch they become free swimming and are called tadpoles.
Page: 5 Tadpoles develop into froglets and then adult frogs play edit
Tadpoles develop into froglets and then adult frogs
After several days and still in the water, tadpoles develop legs and lungs and become froglets. <break time="3s"/> Froglets move onto land, loose their tail and become adult frogs where the life cycle continues.
Page: 6 Tree frog resting on back holding stomach belly play edit
Tree frog at rest
All those changes are a lot of work. At last the frog can rest.
Page: 7 Talking about Frogs play edit
Young boy with a tiny frog
What would you like to talk about.