
Ethics: Making Good Choices in Life

This is a story about different kinds of choices we make in life, some of them being more consequential than others.  Some choices are primarily a matter of taste.  Others may be more connected with where we grow up, community and identity.  And others are more personal.

Robert Frost narrates two stanzas from his poem, "The Road Not Taken", a classic poem examining the choice between two roads that diverged in a wood, one of which was apparently "less traveled by."  And it made all the difference.

Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken

This is the story of Robert Frost's poem entitled "The Road Not Taken."  Meema begins with an introduction to Robert Frost and his poem.  It suggests that, as you listen to the poet read his famous poem, you think about the differences between the two roads.  This is a great story to initiate a conversation about choices you make in life.  What stories do we tell each other to explain the choices we've made?