This is the story of Robert Frost's poem entitled "The Road Not Taken." Meema begins with an introduction to Robert Frost and his poem. It suggests that, as you listen to the poet read his famous poem, you think about the differences between the two roads. What is Frost really saying about the road less traveled?
There is another version of this story with more context about choices and less of the poem.
This is a great story to initiate a conversation about choices you make in life. What stories do we tell each other to explain the choices we've made?
Lots of people have come to think of this poem as a celebration of the "unconventional" life? You can certainly talk about that with stories from your own life about unconventional choices you've made, why you did it and how it made a difference in your life.
But perhaps we misunderstand the poet. Sometimes the most consequential choices in life did not appear to be choices at all when we made them. Or maybe the choice was clear enough... but we really couldn't see what was important about the choice at the time.
You can also talk about how the meaning of choices we make changes as we grow older. We understand our lives differently. And we tell different stories about the roads we've walked.
We also tell stories about other people and the choices they've made.
You can talk about other favorite poems. Or songs, books or movies that come to mind.