This story begins by reminding participants about the book and the film. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was a classic novel by Ken Kesey published in 1962. It was also an award winning and popular film starring Jack Nicholson from 1975. There is a very brief summary of the plot followed by the scene in which Chief Brombden speaks to McMurphy for the first time.
This story can be used in several ways. First, it can be an impetus to talk about mental health and wellness. It's sometimes hard to know what's going on inside. You can simply notice that "the Chief doesn't talk and everyone thinks he's deaf and dumb but actually he knows exactly what's happening." He just chooses not to talk. Why?
We've also used this to talk about trust, feeling comfortable, at home, like you belong. It's nice when people around you understand you. And comparing that to being someplace foreign where people don't understand you and you must be more vigilant. What does it feel like to be imprisoned and to be free?