A Story about Meema Stories

This video is an introduction to Meema Stories.

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We’ve learned that companionship is an essential element of care. And authentic conversation is essential to companionship. Without companionship, stimulation and social activities, many individuals develop a host of secondary problems including depression, anxiety and apathy, any one of which can overwhelm their caregiver.

But What to Talk About?

It sounds easy. In practice, however, it can be pretty hard. Family caregivers are generally untrained, unpaid and often exhausted after caring for basic physical needs, healthcare and security. Even paid caregivers face this challenge. Day after day it’s difficult to muster the imagination and drive to inspire purposeful reflection, reminiscence and conversation.

But there are good reasons to persevere. When caregivers also serve as companions, they can actually help reduce social isolation. And connections make caregiving more meaningful. More interesting. More fun, even.

Meema Stories

Meema Stories can help. Meema is the caregivers’ virtual assistant with stories that help inspire meaningful conversations with their care recipients. Meema Stories are high quality, instantly available, easy-to-use, curated, and highly-interactive resources to help make better connections in a caregiving practice. Although they have been used by professionals, they were purposefully created for family caregivers to stimulate and engage their spouse or parent in reflection, reminiscence and conversation.

And now Meema Stories can be used over Zoom.

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