
Chef Boyardee Commercial (video)

In this commercial, Chef Ettore Boiardi (aka Boyardee) makes a direct appeal to the American consumer to try his spaghetti and sauce, a healthy, inexpensive and exciting "new" product.  If they couldn't find it on the shelves (and it WAS hard to find in the 1950's) he suggests that they "ask their grocer."  He was an innovative and successful entrepreneur in his day.

Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day (video)

This is the story of the television commercial known as "Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day."  The commercial begins with Anthony Martignetti's mom calling him home for dinner from the window.  The narrator explains that sometimes Anthony would take his time coming home.  But not on Wednesday.  On Wednesdays Anthony would run home because it was Prince Spaghetti Day!

Italian Food

Italian food became American food in the 1950's.  Older Americans can remember a time when many Americans didn't know what spaghetti and meatballs were.  It's hard to imagine now. Food can be a great conversation starter.