motor boat

Two Loons On Golden Pond (video)

On Golden Pond was an award winning film from 1981 starring Henry Fonda, Katherine Hepburn and Jane Fonda.  Norman, a retired professor, and his wife Ethel, summered on Golden Pond, a lake in New Hampshire.  In this scene, Ethel and Norman take the canoe out for a ride on the lake and see the loons.  A motor boat comes rather close to the loons and their canoe and both Norman and Ethel tell them to "buzz off."

Cape Cod Vacation

This is a very short story about Cape Cod.  It begins with a map and an image of a traffic jam with cars from the late 1940's.  There are two classic pictures John Kennedy with Jackie and one with Caroline, summer residents of the Cape.  And it ends with things you might eat and drink while you are there.