Meema story pages

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Story: The Beginning of The Wizard of OZ - SJCC Novice
Summary: The story is framed with support for the novice caregiver. It covers the basic context of the story beginning with Dorothy, who is living on her aunt and uncle's farm in Kansas. She sings a shortened version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow."
Page: 1 Intro to Meema Stories - SJCC Novice play edit
Welcome to Meema Stories
Welcome to Meema Stories.
I am Meema.<break time="2s"/>
I will take you through a story, page by page.<break time="1s"/>
You can pause, skip, or replay pages, and resume the story at your own pace.<break time="1s"/>
Whenever you want to, you can talk about the story.<break time="2s"/>
Are you ready to continue?
Page: 2 Making Sure Everyone is Ready - SJCC Novice play edit
Making Sure Everyone is Ready
Are you comfortable?
Can you see the screen and hear my voice?<break time="2s"/>
Are you ready to continue?
Page: 3 What To Look For in a Meema Story - SJCC Novice play edit
What to Look For in a Meema Story
This story is very short. It will take between 3 and 5 minutes.<break time="2s"/>
Here are some things we might want to talk about.<break time="1s"/>
What do you notice?<break time="1s"/>
How do you feel?<break time="1s"/>
What memories or thoughts come to mind?<break time="2s"/>
Are you ready to continue?
Page: 4 Dorothy and Her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry - SJCC Novice play edit
Dorothy on the farm
The story begins with Dorothy. <break time="2s"/> Dorothy lived on a farm in Kansas with her Auntie Em and Uncle Henry. <break time="2s"/> It wasn't easy during the Depression. She often had chores to do. <break time="3s"/>
Page: 5 Farm Life was Hard - SJCC Novice play edit
Everyone was busy on the farm
Everyone else was so busy and serious all the time. <break time="2s"/> Dorothy and Toto were often on their own.
Page: 7 Somewhere Over The Rainbow 1 of 3 - SJCC Novice play edit
film woo somewhere frame 2
Dorothy had real problems and none of the adults in her life seemed to care. <break time="2s"/> She used to dream about running away from her troubles.
Page: 8 Talking About a Meema Story - SJCC Novice play edit
Talking About a Meema Story
What did you think of the story?<break time="2s"/>
Try to start with sentences beginning with eye:<break time="1s"/>
I noticed that ...<break time="2s"/>
It made me feel like …<break time="2s"/>
It reminded me about the time …<break time="2s"/>
Share your own stories!<break time="2s"/>
There are no wrong answers.<break time="2s"/>
Listen to each other.
Page: 9 Talking about Dorothy - SJCC Novice play edit
What would you like to talk about.