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Story: Who's on first?

Great comedians of the 1930's, 40's, and 50's ending with a favorite comedy routine about baseball

Page: 1 Introduction play edit
Humor comes in many styles
Great timing is a key to successful comedy. Jack Benny holds the record for the longest sustained audience laugh on radio.
Page: 2 Slapstick comedy play edit
Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, Lucille Ball were famous for their slapstick comedy
Many great comedians use absurd situations and physical actions like funny faces or pie throwing to delight their audiences.
Page: 3 Rapid fire play edit
Bob Hope and Jack Benny one up each other.
Wisecracking one liners were the hallmark of some of the greatest comedians including Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Groucho Marx and The Great One, Jackie Gleason.
Page: 4 Slapstick and rapid fire humor come together play edit
Bud Abbott & Lou Costello
Mixing slapstick and rapid fire humor, Abbott and Costello became the most popular comedic duo in the 1940's.