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details details details details details Summary: To Kill a Mockingbird is a story about a young girl growing up in a small town in the South the 1930's.  Jean Louise Finch is the narrator and central character of the story.  Everyone calls her Scout.  The story begins when Scout is 6 years old but she tells us the story as an adult looking back on her childhood.  Because this story is narrated by an adult woman about her life as a young girl, this story is a good way to reflect on childhood as an adult.  Through Scout's eyes, we learn a lot about race, racism and justice in the American South in the early 20th Century.  But we can also appreciate even more universal themes of growing up, education, gender, fear, courage and character. 
Page 3: Scout
Jean Louise Finch (aka Scout)
Jean Louise Finch is the narrator and central character of the story. Everyone calls her Scout. <break time="2s"/> Scout is a tomboy who prefers the company of boys and doesn't care for dresses or school. <break time="1s"/> She is strong-willed, quick to anger, and sometimes gets into fights. <break time="2s"/>
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