Meema story pages

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Meema Commands and Controls.
Learning About Meema commands and controls.
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Introduce each story to your partner. Initiate the story with a command to Meema.
Introduce each story to your partner. <break time="2s"/> Use whatever you know about the story, even if it's just the title. <break time="2s"/> Then initiate the story with a command to Meema.
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Learn the commands from these sources.
Learn the commands from these sources: <break time="2s"/> "What to say" tips at the end of each story or the catalog from our website, Meema dot A I.
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Use the exact words from these guides initially.
Use the exact words from these guides initially. <break time="2s"/> This will get easier over time: you should be able to use natural language to ask for a story you remember.
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Use the 'list view' control at the bottom right of the screen.
Use the 'list view' control at the bottom right of the screen to see related stories if the story you get is not what you intended.
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Playback controls.
Press pause, play, previous and next to control the playback of the story.
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Using Meema.
Once you start to know the commands, the rest of these steps will be easy. <break time="2s"/> Practice.
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