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Story: Life Magazine: Vacation’s End, 1946

In nineteen forty-six, Life Magazine ran a story about the end of summer vacation on Cape Cod.  It features William and Carol Foster, on vacation from Nashua New Hampshire along with their sons, Karl and Michael, 9 and 4 years old.  Renown photographer, Cornell Capa, captured the sweet and fleeting experience in these stunning photographs.

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Vacation’s End, 1946
In nineteen forty-six, Life Magazine ran a story about the end of summer vacation on Cape Cod.
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Here are some things you can think about.
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4-year-old Michael Foster in the back of the car
Kids in those days traveled in the back of the car.
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Mom and Dad on the beach
Mom and Dad would start their summer relaxing on the beach after the long drive.
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There were all kinds of interesting things to find on the beach.
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Digging clams with Dad and big brother Karl
You could dig clams if you knew where to look.
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Michael's brother Karl swimming with Mom and Dad
When it got hot you could go for a swim in the ocean.
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What would you like to talk about.
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Mom and Michael playing
Mom was relaxed on vacation and Michael would play with her in the cottage.
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Michael and his dad on the porch
Hanging out with Dad on the porch was fun too.