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Story: Cape Cod Vacation

This is a very short story about Cape Cod.  It begins with a map and an image of a traffic jam with cars from the late 1940's.  There are two classic pictures John Kennedy with Jackie and one with Caroline, summer residents of the Cape.  And it ends with things you might eat and drink while you are there. 

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Map of Cape Cod
Cape Cod was a vacation destination for lots of families.
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Traffic to the Cape on a nice day
Most Americans in the nineteen fifties would drive to the Cape from Boston, Providence and other cities in New England. <break time="2s"/> The traffic could be terrible.
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Walking the beaches on the Cape
Once they got there, however, people loved to walk on the dunes and the beaches.
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Sailing on Vineyard Sound
Some people enjoyed the water in boats.
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The Captain Kidd in Woods Hole
When the day was done there were lots of places to get a drink and a meal.
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Lobster on the beach
All the seafood was wonderful but the lobster was particularly good.
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Ice Cream in Falmouth
And after dinner, there was ice cream.
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