Meema story pages

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Story: Women's Clothing in the 1950's
Summary: This is a very simple story about the clothes worn by Ingrid Bergman, Doris Day, Katherine Hepburn and Audry Hepburn.  It's fun to talk about how radical it was for women to be wearing pants and suits, for example.  But you can also discuss hemlines, hats, heels, stockings and gloves, for example.
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Katherine Hepburn wore pants.
In the ninteen fifties, women had lots of new choices when it came to clothes.
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Doris Day sporting pants
Leisure time became more important and included activities out of doors. <break time="2s"/> Women could wear shorts and pants for example.
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Doris Day looking bright on her bicycle
They could play tennis, golf and ride bicycles.
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Doris Day happily spinning
Traditional ideas of feminine beauty persisted.
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Katherine Hepburn looking smart in a suit
But other women asserted themselves, and began challenging conventions.
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Audry Hepburn made the little black dress new again
Fashion icons picked up and even encouraged these changes.
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Audry Hepburn comfortable on the floor
Women responded differently to social freedom, change and different ideals of beauty.
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