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This story begins by framing what we mean by 'miracle.'  It reminds us that sometimes we refer to something extraordinary that causes wonder and astonishment. Miracles can be amazing, and even inexplicable by normal standards.  And yet, a miracle need not refer to a super-natural event;  in fact, miracles can be everyday occurrences with extraordinary meaning or significance.  Falling in love, for example, is not uncommon.  And yet, it can change our lives.

In the story of Tzeitel and Motel in The Fiddler on the Roof, it was a miracle they were able to be married at all.

Page 5: A Gift
The miracle of Motel and Tzeitel
A miracle signifies something beyond itself. <break time="2s"/> Being in love is not unusual; and yet, it can be miraculous too.


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