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details details details details details Summary:

The narrative in this story helps participants recall the basic plot of "Fiddler on the Roof."  We're reintroduced to Tevye the dairyman and the character of the Fiddler himself.  Then we meet Tevye's daughters who are all seeking partners.  And we remember, experiencing a wide range of emotions, as each daughter struggles to find their way as individuals, respecting more (or less) the norms and expectations of their family and community.

It ends with the song called "Anatevka" sung by villagers as they pack their things and leave their village and traditions behind.

Page 2: description
Zero Mostel as Tevye with his daughters from the original Broadway play
In the story, Tevye must balance his love for his daughters, and tradition. <break time="2s"/> Their needs as individuals are in conflict with those of the family and the community.


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