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Story: History of the Wizard of Oz

This story covers the origins of the Wizard of Oz, not to inform but only to remind you of where it came from:  some context about the author, the book, the film and the television broadcast.  There is just one clip of Judy Garland singing the intro to "Somewhere Over The Rainbow".

See related Meema Stories for more detail on the characters, the plot and the most popular musical numbers we love to remember.

Page: 1 Introducing the Author play edit
Original cover from 1900, 1st printing
The Wizard of Oz was a book first, written by Frank Baum. <break time="2s"/> The characters and plot came from the stories he told his own children.
Page: 2 The Book play edit
Dorothy meets the Cowardly Lion
The first printing in nineteen hundred consisted of only ten thousand copies. <break time="2s"/> The author himself assembled the books by hand.
Page: 3 The Film play edit
Original poster from 1939
The movie was released in 1939, the same year as “Gone with the Wind."
Page: 4 The Movie Stars play edit
Original poster from 1939
It featured big stars, including Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale.
Page: 5 Technology and Art play edit
Arriving at the Emerald City
It was a technical triumph. <break time="2s"/> Costumes, sets, and makeup were a sensation. <break time="2s"/> The land of Oz was filmed in Technicolor.
Page: 6 Music play edit
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
It won many awards including an Oscar for this song.
Page: 7 Television play edit
Watching TV in 1956
It was broadcast on television first in 1956. <break time="2s"/> It was a commercial success, the most seen film in movie history. And it made Judy Garland a huge star.
Page: 8 Talking about the Wizard of Oz play edit
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