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Story: Yogi Berra

Yogi Berra was one of the greatest catchers and all-around baseball players of all time.  He also played on a legendary team in an era where baseball was America's most popular sport.  Yogi enjoyed an extraordinarily long career first as a player and then as a coach.  He remained a cultural icon long after he retired at least in part because of his famous sayings.

Page: 1 Yogi Berra Story play edit
Yogi Berra, catcher for the New York Yankees
Yogi Berra was one of the greatest catchers in American baseball history.
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Mantle, Berra, Ford, DiMaggio and Stengel
For 18 years Berra played for the New York Yankees, some of the greatest teams ever.
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Yogi Berra catching for the New York Yankees
In fact, Yogi played in more World Series games than any other baseball player.
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Yogi Berra known for his famous sayings
But Berra's fame was larger than baseball; his 'sayings' were widely known and made him even more famous.
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Yogi Berra known for his famous sayings
His wife Carmen once asked him where he wanted to be buried. He reportedly replied, "Why don't you suprise me!"
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Jackie Robinson stealing home against Yogi Berra in the World Series.
In this picture, Jackie Robinson is stealing home against Yogi Berra in the World Series'. It was a controversial play.
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Jackie Robinson stealing home on Yogi Berra
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