Yogi Berra

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Yogi Berra was one of the greatest catchers and all-around baseball players of all time.  He also played on a legendary team in an era where baseball was America's most popular sport.  Yogi enjoyed an extraordinarily long career first as a player and then as a coach.  He remained a cultural icon long after he retired at least in part because of his famous sayings.

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Yogi was and still remains an icon.  Whether you were a baseball fan or a Yankees fan or not, these pictures and this narrative often touches a nerve.  You can talk about him as an athlete or the team and it's history in sports.  But you can also talk about baseball as a sport.  And finally, it can bring back memories of the 1950's whether they're about experiencing professional baseball, little league or just hitting a softball on a family picnic.

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Yogi Berra's quotes
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