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Story: The Problem We All Live With (Rockwell)

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Page: 1 The Problem We All Live With play edit
"The Problem We All Live With" by Norman Rockwell, 1964
<audio src=''/>This painting from 1964 is called "The Problem We All Live With", by Norman Rockwell.
Page: 2 Ruby Bridges in doorway play edit
Ruby Bridges
It depicts a six-year-old African American girl named Ruby Bridges.
Page: 3 Ruby Bridges decending stairs play edit
New Orleans, 1960
Because of the threats of violence against her during the desegregation crisis, Ruby is escorted to school by four deputy U.S. Marshals.
Page: 4 Norman Rockwell while painting play edit
Linda Gunn posed for Norman Rockwell in his studio
A young girl from Massachusetts named Linda Gunn posed for the artist
Page: 5 Children in museum play edit
Norman Rockwell Museum
Today the painting hangs in the Norman Rockwell Museum in Massachusetts. It has become an icon of the American Civil Rights Movement.
Page: 6 Ruby Bridges meets Barack Obama play edit
Ruby Bridges today
Ruby Bridges is still alive today. <break time="2s"/> In 2011 she visited the museum where she met President Barack Obama in front of the painting.
Page: 7 description play edit
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