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Hoppity is a poem by A. A. Milne, illustrated by E. H. Shepard.  It's about a young boy, Christoper Robin, who simply couldn't sit still.

Story usage

This poem can be used to stimulate conversation and build connections in so many ways.  You can start talking about this poem by examining the poem itself.  Read it out loud.  Or reread it if you've read it before.  Listen.  What about the word 'hoppity' in the first place?  What's up with that?  What does the sound like to you, the sound of the word repeated in that way?

Look at the pictures.  Can you picture the child who has just learned to skip?  It can seem that they've forgotten how to walk.  And the only time they are still is when they are sleeping!

What do you feel when you read this poem?  And what can you bring to the poem?  What associations can you make with personal memories of children like this or childhood in general?

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Meema story to help forge more meaningful connections
Title label
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Chrisopher Robin hopping
Chrisopher Robin skipping
Chrisopher Robin is skipping
Chrisopher Robin coundn't stop hopping
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Winnie the Pooh