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Story: Vespers

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Page: 1 When We Were Very Young play edit
When We Were Very Young
"When We Were Very Young" was a very popular collection of poems by A. A. Milne, published in 1924. <break time="2s"/> One of the most popular poems in the book was called "Vespers".
Page: 2 Vespers is what Christians called evening prayer in the Middle Ages play edit
Vespers is what Christians called evening prayer
Vespers is what Christians called evening prayer in the Middle Ages.
Page: 3 Christopher Robin is saying his prayers play edit
Christopher Robin is saying his prayers
Some people call the poem by another title: Christopher Robin is Saying his Prayers.
Page: 4 Vespers 1 play edit
Page: 5 Vespers 2 play edit
Page: 6 Vespers 3 play edit
Page: 7 Talking about Prayers at Bedtime play edit
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