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Story: Ethics: Making Good Choices in Life

This is a story about different kinds of choices we make in life, some of them being more consequential than others.  Some choices are primarily a matter of taste.  Others may be more connected with where we grow up, community and identity.  And others are more personal.

Robert Frost narrates two stanzas from his poem, "The Road Not Taken", a classic poem examining the choice between two roads that diverged in a wood, one of which was apparently "less traveled by."  And it made all the difference.

Page: 1 Making choices play edit
Making choices
Some choices are easy. <break time="1s"/> We know what we like. <break time="2s"/> And maybe it doesn't matter very much if we don't get our first choice.
Page: 2 Coke or Pepsi play edit
Coke or Pepsi
Some of our choices can be influenced by friends and family. <break time="2s"/> Or where we grew up.
Page: 3 Yankees or the Red Sox play edit
Yankees or the Red Sox? Giants? Cardinals?
Other choices can become a matter of our very identity. <break time="3s"/> What tribe do we belong to?
Page: 4 Two roads play edit
Two roads diverged in a wood...
Sometimes it's much more ambiguous and it can change our lives. <break time="3s"/> Robert Frost wrote a poem about that called "The Road Not Taken".
Page: 5 Two Roads 1 (audio) play edit
The Road Not Taken
Page: 6 Two roads play edit
They didn't appear to be different from one another...
Initially, Frost thinks that one might be less traveled by. <break time="3s"/> But then he changes his mind and tells us that they were pretty much the same.
Page: 7 Two roads play edit
They didn't appear to be different from one another... but of course they were.
But he must choose. <break time="3s"/> He imagines that many years later he will tell us with a sigh, that the road he takes will have made all the difference.
Page: 8 Two Roads 4 (audio) play edit
Robert Frost in wheat field
The Road Not Taken
Page: 9 Talking about Choices in Life, Identity play edit
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