Meema story pages

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Story: Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken
Summary: This is the story of Robert Frost's poem entitled "The Road Not Taken."  Meema begins with an introduction to Robert Frost and his poem.  It suggests that, as you listen to the poet read his famous poem, you think about the differences between the two roads.  This is a great story to initiate a conversation about choices you make in life.  What stories do we tell each other to explain the choices we've made?
Page: 1 Robert Frost play edit
Robert Frost
Robert Frost was a wonderful and popular American poet. <break time="3s"/> He wrote and published hundreds of poems between 1894 and 1963.
Page: 2 Choosing between two roads that look the same play edit
Choosing between two roads that look the same
One of his most beloved poems is called "The Road Not Taken".
Page: 3 Not about non-conformance play edit
Is one really "less traveled" than the other?
It's often understood to be an affirmation of non-conformity. <break time="1s"/> But is it? <break time="4s"/> What exactly is the difference between the roads in the poem.
Page: 4 Two Roads 1 play edit
Robert Frost writing at desk ca 1920
The Road Not Taken
Page: 5 Two Roads 2 play edit
Robert Frost on rail fence with son
The Road Not Taken
Page: 6 Two Roads 3 play edit
Robert Frost on stone wall ca 1960
The Road Not Taken
Page: 7 Two Roads 4 play edit
Robert Frost in wheat field
The Road Not Taken
Page: 8 Talking about "The Road Not Taken" play edit
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