Meema story: peek inside

play Story: Petting Chickens

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Page 1: Chicken
Caption: Chicken
Narration: Chickens are birds. <break time="2s"/> They used to be wild but they were domesticated by farmers thousands of years ago.
Page 2: Chicken farm
Caption: Large, organic chicken farm
Narration: There are about 20 billion chickens in the world today, more than any other bird. <break time="2s"/> Most of them have been raised on large farms for meat or eggs.
Page 3: Chickens
Caption: Feeding the chickens
Narration: Other chickens are raised on smaller farms. <break time="2s"/> The woman in this picture is feeding grain to her chickens.
Page 4: Pet chicken
Caption: Young girl with pet chicken
Narration: And some people even enjoy chickens as pets.
Page 5: Woman holding chicken in hand
Caption: A woman holding a chicken in her hand
Narration: There are special organizations which sometimes bring chickens to senior centers to visit the residents. <break time="2s"/> If you are very gentle, some chickens will let you hold them or pet them.
Page 6: Man with chicken on shoulder
Caption: A man with a chicken
Narration: This man is enjoying the chicken sitting on his shoulder.
Page 7: Talking about Petting Chickens
Caption: caption
Narration: What would you like to talk about.