Meema story: peek inside

play Story: Baby Chickens (video)

The story is very basic.  It reminds us that chickens are birds.  There are billions of chickens today, more than any other bird.  And a vast majority of them live on industrial farms and provide us with meat and eggs. 

However, another part of the story reminds us that they were once wild and that, like all birds, reproduce using eggs.  The last part of the story includes a video of an egg hatching.

Page 1: Chicken
Caption: Chicken
Narration: Chickens are birds. <break time="2s"/> They used to be wild but they were domesticated by farmers thousands of years ago.
Page 2: Chicken farm
Caption: Large, organic chicken farm
Narration: There are about 20 billion chickens in the world today, more than any other bird. <break time="2s"/> Most of them have been raised for meat or eggs.
Page 3: Chicken eggs
Caption: Chicken eggs
Narration: Chickens lay eggs to reproduce. <break time="2s"/> But people cook and eat them too. <break time="2s"/> Eggs are nutritious, healthy and delicious.
Page 4: Fertilized eggs develop and hatch
Caption: Chicken hatchling
Narration: When eggs are fertilized and cared for, the eggs develop and hatch. <break time="2s"/> Chickens when they are newly hatched are called hatchlings.
Page 5: Chicks
Caption: A baby chick
Narration: Within minutes of hatching, baby chicks are up and about. <break time="2s"/> Aren't they cute and fluffy?
Page 6: description
Caption: caption
Narration: What would you like to talk about.