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Story: Italian Food
Summary: Italian food became American food in the 1950's.  Older Americans can remember a time when many Americans didn't know what spaghetti and meatballs were.  It's hard to imagine now. Food can be a great conversation starter.
Page: 1 American food: meat and potatoes play edit
Meat and potatoes
Before World War Two, American food was pretty basic. <break time="2s"/> A lot of meat and potatoes.
Page: 2 Italian-American women in Boston’s North End play edit
Italian-American women in Boston’s North End
For decades, immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe and Asia had been living in somewhat isolated communities, like these Italian American women in Boston’s North End.
Page: 3 The Italian-American table play edit
The Italian-American table
In these communities, the Italian-American table was distinctive. And so was the food on it.
Page: 4 Suburban development: Levittown, Long Island play edit
Suburban development: Levittown, Long Island
After the war though, many of them began to move into the suburbs and integrate with their neighbors.
Page: 5 Prince Spaghetti Sign play edit
Prince Spaghetti Sign
American business was always in search of something new, exciting, and authentic. <break time="1s"/> It picked up on Italian food and promoted it. <break time="1s"/> They ran popular ads on television, radio and in magazines.
Page: 6 Prince Spaghetti Truck play edit
Prince Spaghetti Truck
The Prince Spaghetti truck was a good example. <break time="2s"/> It became a popular toy and an early innovation in advertising and merchandizing. <break time="1s"/> And so Italian food started to spread beyond the Italian-American community.
Page: 7 Spaghetti and meatballs play edit
Spaghetti and meatballs
By the end of the nineteen fifties, spaghetti and meatballs had become a staple of the American diet. Everyone came to love Italian food.
Page: 8 Let's talk about Italian Food play edit
Spaghetti and meatballs
What would you like to talk about.